ABSTRACT: Traditional models of school organization favor peaked hierarchies that concentrate power and leadership responsibility on the office of the principal. As these models struggle to effectively meet the needs of education in the new millennium, leadership structures that distribute leadership influence and empower teachers to play a greater role in the leadership of the school, are slowly being implemented. This study examines the restructuring of school leadership at a school making the transition from a traditional elementary school to an Edison charter school and investigates the impact the new organizational structure had on teacher leadership. Qualitative data were collected over a four-year period during annual visits to conduct over 50 interviews with district administrators, school administrators, teachers, and the school support staff. The research findings indicate that the structure implemented at the Edison school differed greatly from traditional school leadership structures, as it successfully distributed leadership influence and enhanced the nature and scope of teacher leadership. 

The purpose of this chapter is to discuss five key factors that contribute to supporting the successful implementation of comprehensive school reform. We discuss the effects of various systemic and school factors including: (1) the reform selection process; (2)leadership at site and district levels; (3) design team support and professional development; (4) fiscal resources to support reform; and (5) the reform’s ability to help schools meet state accountability mandates. This chapter draws upon qualitative data gathered in of a longitudinal case study of comprehensive school reform in 12 schools in three states. Findings from this case study are discussed in light of other research on 
comprehensive school reforms

Dr. Camille Rutherford
Brock University
Faculty of Education
MC C416
St. Catharines, ON
Tel:  (905) 688-5550 X5344
Fax: (905) 641-5229
